Archive for the ‘Faces of faery 14’ Category

Updates and HAEDCon 2018

This will just be a quick post. First of all I want to let you know I started an Instagram account just for my cross stitch. I post updates of my progresses and finishes much more frequently. My account name is Icestitcher. You are more than welcome to follow me 🙂

HAEDCon 2018 is next weekend…and I´m going YAY!!! My friend Sveina will be joining me this time and we are so excited. Our plane leaves tomorrow. We have a direct flight to Portland OR and we will stay there over night. On Thursday we´ll wake up very early and drive to Seaside OR where HAEDCon will be held. I will post photos and videos on my Instagram account and use the hashtag haedcon2018.

So let´s show some progress pictures. I have been stitching a lot lately. Faces of Faery is almost done. I wanted to finish her before HAEDCon but I´m not gonna make it. So maybe I´ll just finish her at the con instead 🙂

Faces of Faery 14
Faces of Faery 14
20100/22500 stitches done

Faces of Faery 14
17800/22500 stitches done


FOF 14 – face completed

She looks so pretty now! 🙂

 Faces of Faery 14, face completed
Faces of Faery 14
15000 stitches done

Faces of Faery 14, nose
14700 stitches done

 Faces of Faery 14, both eyes
13300 stitches done

Faces of Faery 14, one eye
12400 stitches done

My stitching at HAEDCon 2017

I just want to show you my progress on Faces of Faery 14 which I was stitching at HAEDCon 2017.

I managed to finish her forehead 🙂

 Faces of Faery 14
Faces of Faery 14
10600 stitches done

I have stitched a little more and now she has eyebrows. Can´t wait to stitch her beautiful blue eyes 🙂

 Faces of Faery 14
Faces of Faery 14
11500 stitches done

Most of hair done

I finished most of her hair this weekend. I think she is turning out so nicely.

Faces of Faery 14 by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
8100 Stitches done

I´m a little torn whether to keep going with her and start her face or rotate to something else for a while.

FOF 14 -one side done

I finished one side of her hair last night. I think it looks so pretty.  Now I will do the other side. Have to admit though I´m a little bored of all the browns. Can´t wait to do her face 😀

Faces of Faery 14
Faces of Faery 14 by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
5500 stitches done

FOF 14

I got a little bit more done 🙂 I feel like her hair looks a bit dark compare to the artwork but we´ll see how it will turn out.

Faces of faery 14

Faces of faery 14

I have a new start 🙂 It´s Faces of faery 14. Better get to work then 🙂

Faces of fairy 14
Faces of faery 14 by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Stitched 1 over 1 on 28 ct