Archive for the ‘QS Rosita’ Category

QS Rosita

I decided to keep going with QS Rosita and expected it to go really fast since I´m doing tent stitch and I also wanted to try out parking. At some point I got really frustrated and the stitches didn´t  look good to me.  I really like my stitches to look neat and pretty and with all the confetti it looked kind of messy.  So I started over, doing full crosses this time. I´m so much happier with her now. I´m going to work her like I did with Mini Myra and do all the outlines first and then color her in. Here is how she looks right now.

QS Rosita
QS Rosita by Hannah Lynn

Romeo and Juliet and new starts

So hello there 🙂 I hope you haven´t forgotten about me.

I finally finished those 2 pages of Romeo and Juliet, I was working on the last time I posted. Now I have only 2 whole pages and 2 partial pages left.

 Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet by Sara Butcher
57400 stitches done

I have 2 new HAED starts which I wanna show you. I decided to try out tent stitching (half cross stitch) and see if I´ll manage to complete my HAED projects faster. And I have to admit it is a lot faster. I´m still not sure if I like the look of the stitches but I want to finish those two and see how they look completed.

Here is the one I started in May.

 Early Visit
Early Visit by Rachael Tallamy
4200 stitches done

And here is the one I started in April.

 QS Rosita
QS Rosita by Hannah Lynn
300 stitches done

In May, I went to Minneapolis MN, with my daughter. She was participating in a dance competition and did extremely well. Of course I went to both JoAnn and Michaels, and bought DMC threads for 4 new HAED´s 🙂 Below is a picture of my purchase… well… a part of it 🙂


And I totally forgot to tell you I will be attending HAEDCon 2017 in Seaside, OR in October. I´m so excited to meet all the other HAED´s addicts 🙂